
dissed connection. *that pun was so bad ass*

Gold Saturn on Lake Wheeler - m4w (Lake Wheeler) 24yr

We made eye contact going down Lake Wheeler.If you get this let me know and describe something about me.

---real conversation below. -----

AL: that's weird

MM: what.

AL: I guess some missed connections are shorter than others but I feel like there's no connection from one moving vehicle to another. It's crazy. (Motioning like a cop) Pull it over.

MM: That's not true. We've been taught by Dentene commercials that that kind of thing can be romantic.

AL: Sounds more like Mentos to me.

MM: No, like the commercial where the girl breathes on the glass...

AL: Oh... and writes her phone number or something.. I mean, I guess, but imagine a dude doing that. The moment you see a guy breathing on the glass of his car window you speed the fuck up. We've been taught that by psycho movies and Law and Order: SVU.

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